Universal Rule: Preview

Fairway has a long history with playing 4X games. 4X means “explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate.”  And with the release of Civilization VI, it only seems fitting to preview than Button Shy’s upcoming wallet game: Universal Rule. It’s a space-themed, 4X game in 18 cards.

One to Many #1: Card Game Design

In this, the first edition of One to Many we ask designers: “What advice do you have for any designers that want to make a great card game?” Ten designers chimed in.

Train Heist: Review

Today, Fairway and his regulators mount up to right some wrongs by robbin’ some trains. That’s right, in Train Heist, the good guys rob the trains and the bad guys are trying to stop them.  So find out if Fairway and his crew are good at do-gooding, train robbing in this review of a Kickstarter delivery from Tower Guard Games. Train Heist was picked up recently by Cryptozoic. He’s included a bonus video of his kids “teaching” the game at the end. He thinks it’s hilarious.

The Hunger (To Design) Games: Or All About Entering the Arena of Game Design Contests

There are many paths that lead into the Indie Jungle – the “self-publishing” path, the “crowdfunding” path, the “pitch to a publisher” path and even the “print-on-demand” path. However, there is another path that many new game designers often overlook, one that can be uniquely fun, creatively challenging and infinitely rewarding…the “game design contest” path.

Vast: The Crystal Caverns: Review

Fairway’s probably too old for a man cave now. But maybe that’s why playing a man-cave in a game is so appealing. Today, Fairway takes a look at a relatively recent Kickstarter delivery from Leder Games: Vast: The Crystal Caverns. Find out if Fairway is as deep and dark as he thinks he is.

Played@Protospiel Madison: 2016

Fairway returned from Protospiel Madison having played a bunch of prototype games from a lot of up and coming game designers.  Some of these designers were kind enough to let him feature their games in this round up of games.

Anthony Amato and Nicole Kline Like Totally Talk About Lazer Ryderz

Interview with Cardboard Fortress duo, Anthony Amato and Nicole Kline, on their latest game Lazer Ryderz. Prepare yourself for a blast of 80s nostalgia!