Fairway gets a lot of games and he’s played a lot more. This very special list of games are the three Kickstartered games of 2016 that have left more than just a fleeting impression.
Tag: Leder Games
Vast: The Crystal Caverns: Review
Fairway’s probably too old for a man cave now. But maybe that’s why playing a man-cave in a game is so appealing. Today, Fairway takes a look at a relatively recent Kickstarter delivery from Leder Games: Vast: The Crystal Caverns. Find out if Fairway is as deep and dark as he thinks he is.
Trick or Treat: Review
Happy October, my friends! All month I will be talking about games, toys, decorations, snacks, etc. related to holiday Halloween. To kick off this spooky exciting month, I bring to you a review of the tabletop card game Trick or Treat by Leder Games.