
Terms of Use

Last updated October 4, 2016.

The Indie Game Report is written by only the coolest people. Our opinions are our own. Unless we say  otherwise (for example for an expedited review or a how-to-play video), we are not compensated for our reviews, previews or interviews, except that we may get copies of the games so that we can actually write those reviews and previews.

The content of The Indie Game Report is our copyright, including photos, written content, and videos. In general, if you are the publisher or a designer featured on our site, you are free to use that content in connection with your games so long as you attribute it back to us. You can find a copy of Xisra, our TIGR tiger, here. If you’re interested in syndicating our content elsewhere, please contact us.

We try really hard to respect the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe we have in any way misused your intellectual property rights, please send an email to The Indie Game Report.

If you’re still reading, you might want to check out one of our great reviews or previews instead.

Privacy Policy

Last updated May 21, 2018.

We here at The Indie Game Report take the privacy of your personally-identifiable information seriously. This Privacy Policy is meant to help you understand the limited ways we get your information and how we may use it. The policy applies to any sites that we control and which link to it including

Personally-identifiable information

We generally don’t collect or store personally-identifiable information (such as name, email, address, etc.) about you unless you provide it to us. This can happen in a few ways such as by registering with our site, subscribing to our email list, or submitting information via a web form. We store this information on servers that we control or that our service providers own or operate on our behalf.

Typically, this information is used only for the reasons that you provide it to us. If you register for our email list to get notices about new posts and features, we will use your name and email for that purpose.  If you send us information about a game you’d like us to review, that information is emailed to us and we may contact you about your request. If you register for the site, we use that information to enable you may be able to post comments or otherwise interact with the site. We may use information about all our subscribers to make announcements or inform you of new features or content.

Your personally-identifiable information typically isn’t shared with any third parties. However, if you post comments or interact with public areas of the website, information that you share will be visible to anyone else who can access that area of the website.  If you include personally-identifiable information in those areas, others may have access to it.

Automatically collected information and analytics

We may automatically collect information about visitors for analytics and to improve our content and services. For instance, we use Google Analytics and WordPress stats to see how we’re doing. That’s made possible by the use of browser cookies (not the edible kind). If you’re curious how Google uses information it collects, you can visit this helpful site. You agree that by visiting this site, you don’t have an issue with us using Google Analytics or any other platform to store, gather and analyze visitor information.

Correcting or deleting your personally-identifiable information

At any time, you may send us an email and request: a copy of the personally-identifiable information we have about you, we update the personally-identifiable information we have about you, we delete the personally-identifiable information we have about you, and/or we remove you from our mailing list.

What we don’t do

We do not share your information with third parties for the purposes of direct marketing.

We do not track your information across third party sites for the purposes of targeted advertising.  Accordingly, we don’t currently respond to do not track pings.

We do not knowingly collect personally-identifiable information about anyone under the age of 18.  If you are under 18, you to use the site, but you should not register or submit personally-identifiable information to us. We will remove information about minors promptly when requested or when we discover such information.

Amazon Affiliate Program

We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Links that take you to Amazon’s sites and services are governed by the terms of their site.