The Tale Behind Those Tricky Tides

The Inquisitive Meeple interviews TIGR writer and game designer, Steven Aramini on his new game, Tricky Tides. Currently, on Kickstarter from Gold Seal Games, Tricky Tides merges tricky taking with pick-up and deliver mechanics.

San Ni Ichi: Review

Hi-ya! For whatever reason, Fairway realized has a real dearth of martial arts games in his collection. That’s why his interest was really piqued when he saw San Ni Ichi. Today, he finds out whether he’s got what it takes to be a ninja master in today’s review. 

Cobras: Preview

“Why did it have to be snakes?” And, even worse, why did it have to be a basket full of cobras!  Today, Fairway takes a look at the new Kickstarter game, Cobras, by Suzanne Kabrt-Zinsli and Christopher Zinsli.  See if he can charm this quick trick taking game or if he gets bit.  It’s live on Kickstarter, right now!