Today, Fairway takes a look at the currently-on Kickstarter game from Wattsalpoag Games: Echidna Shuffle. See if this adorably cute game dances into Fairway’s heart.
Tag: Roll and Move
Therapeutic Meeples: Mechanisms
Today, Benny takes up the question of what game mechanisms work best for therapy.
Sheppy’s Greedy Claw Crane Game: Preview
What exactly is the draw of “the claw?” You know, stick a few quarters in, direct a crane claw over cheap toys, push a button and hope? Oh, right. They’re frustratingly fun with slot machine like payoffs but the feeling that you actually control the outcome. It’s not true since most of the relevant things are randomized, but it works on us anyway. This is the premise of the game Fairway previews today: David Sheppard’s Sheppy’s Greedy Claw Crane Game.
Hoard: Review
Fairway knows all too well how much dragons love their treasure. He’s reviewed at least one game for TIGR where that was the case. Today, he ventures into the lair of a sleeping dragon to see if he can walk out with the most treasure in this review of Hoard by Cheeky Parrot Games.