Turn back the clocks. Grab your life preserver and a fancy drink. Fairway tries to build the most luxurious, capable ship and sail it from England to New York before his opponent in today’s preview of Blue Riband.
Tag: Drafting
Movable Type: Video Review
In episode 66 we draft letters in hopes of spelling the most valuable word each round in the 2-4 player game, Movable Type, by Robin David. For more information about Movable Type, visit: Robin-David.com BoardGameGeek.com
Therapeutic Meeples: Mechanisms
Today, Benny takes up the question of what game mechanisms work best for therapy.
Bridges to Nowhere: Video Review
In episode 54 we look into a great two player game called Bridges to Nowhere from Doomsday Robots Game Co. Can you create the most impressive bridge? I’ve learned that I DEFINITELY cannot. But that doesn’t mean I won’t wanna play this game over and over!
Find Your Seats: Video Review
In episode 51 we try really hard to not screw up this dinner party in Find Your Seats from Button Shy Games. I Lost the seating arrangement for guests? No problem, just find out what they like to talk about, and seat appropriately…If you can.