Everything is better with bacon. And in today’s review, Fairway taste tests that theory in this burger-building, word game, Bacon, Letters and Tomatoes.
Tag: Word Game
Movable Type: Video Review
In episode 66 we draft letters in hopes of spelling the most valuable word each round in the 2-4 player game, Movable Type, by Robin David. For more information about Movable Type, visit: Robin-David.com BoardGameGeek.com
SiXeS: Video Review
In episode 52, we have fun with a lighter party game titled SiXeS, in which at least six players has sixty seconds to write a list of six words. The game lasts six rounds. I can only guess where they acquired the game title…
Gil Hova Gets Wordy About Wordsy
Ryan wanted to have a word with game designer, Gil Hova, about his newest game Wordsy. The Wordsy Kickstarter campaign is currently live on Kickstarter and you can play a Twitter-version of the game by sending tweets to Wordsybot. You can also check out Cassie’s video review of the game.
Wordsy: Video Review
In episode 44, we look at a light word game for the whole family called Wordsy from Formal Ferret Games. Players attempt to create the highest valued word using letters revealed. The logophile in you will love this game! For more information about Wordsy, visit BoardGameGeek here, and you can find the Kickstarter here.
C.O.G.: Preview
In his TIGR premier, Indie Cardboard, Jason, previews the new dice and word game by Steve Finn: C.O.G. The Kickstarter is live until November 9th.