Fairway always imagined he’d have been a great and honorable knight of the round table. He’d be noble and chivalrous, perhaps a little dashing. Well, after playing Crazier Eights – Camelot, it’s pretty clear that that’s not going to be the case.
Month: September 2016
Dan goes inside Originz
This week, Dan explores the campaign of the comic-book themed card game now on Kickstarter, Originz. Dan asks about player counts, play time, and preparation for this super hero campaign.
The Expedition Begins: Or How I Went from Playing Games to Designing Them
Designer Steve Aramini starts his feature series, The Indie Jungle, by taking a look at how he found his way into the jungle in the first place and what he’s done to get his bearings.
10 Minute Heist: Preview
This probably sounds like a terrible plan, but what if we climb to the top of a Wizard’s Tower and then take all the precious items as we leave. Well, that’s basically what Fairway does in this preview of Daily Magic Games’ upcoming Kickstarter for 10 Minute Heist – The Wizard’s Tower.
Matt Parkes Serves Up Burger Up
Interview with designer Matthew Parkes, on his game, Burger Up. For 2-4 players, in “Burger Up is a card matching puzzle game about the art of burger making. Fill orders, earn prestige and be the best burger chef around!”
Orphanage of Fear: Preview
Don’t turn out the lights, the Boogeyman is coming! Orphanage of fear is a hidden role/social deduction game by Thomas Hornemann, published by Slightly Offensive Games and bringing a new level of creepy to Kickstarter on September 27th, 2016 (for more information about the Kickstarter Campaign, fast forward to the bottom of this preview).
The Inquisitive Meeple Investigates… Problem Picnic
The Inquisitive Meeple investigates Kid’s Table BG’s Problem Picnic. A set collecting, dice dexterity game, designed by Scott Almes that is for for 2-4 players.
Roll Player: Review
Remember the fun of making your character in games like Skyrim? “Hey you, you’re finally awake; You were trying to cross the border right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush same as us, and that thief over there.” ~ Raloff, from Skyrim. And then five and half minutes later, you finally get to pick your race! Grr… Well, forget loading times and movie sequences. Fairway’s skipping all that frustration and is going play Roll Player, a recent Kickstarter delivery from by Keith Matejka and Thunderworks Games, instead.
Dan goes inside Super Hack Override
This week, Dan asks the creator of the Super HACK Override Kickstarter campaign about the game, using Send From China, and the super-fast delivery option with The Game Crafter. Find out whether Dan’s bank account also got hacked while you’re at it.