Blend Off: Review

It’s January in Wisconsin, not exactly prime smoothie season. But, today, Fairway takes a look at a recent Kickstarter delivery from Thunderworks Games: Blend Off! See if Fairway can keep up with the orders in this fast-paced, dice-rolling game.

Roll Player: Review

Remember the fun of making your character in games like Skyrim? “Hey you, you’re finally awake; You were trying to cross the border right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush same as us, and that thief over there.” ~ Raloff, from Skyrim.  And then five and half minutes later, you finally get to pick your race! Grr… Well, forget loading times and movie sequences. Fairway’s skipping all that frustration and is going play Roll Player, a recent Kickstarter delivery from by Keith Matejka and Thunderworks Games, instead.