David Harding talks about designing solo games.
Month: October 2015
Evolution of a Prototype
In this edition of Meeple Speak, Nicole Kline, tells us about the the evolution of the game RESISTOR_.
Paranormal Investigation by Touch Paper Press
Last year I got into KickStarter and one of the first games I backed was this fun, paranormal spooky game, Paranormal Investigation. Paranormal Investigation is 3-4 player game and lasts about ten minutes. The story of the game is you and the other players are paranormal investigators and you each have your own theory as to what is happening at a mansion. Your goal is to reveal the proof hidden behind the door the supports your claim. Players start with a randomly assigned Investigator card and Affiliation card. From the information on the Investigator card, players will learn what their goal is to win the game. Here is an example of an investigator: The investigator card will also tell you which doors you can take a peek at before beginning the game. The Affiliation card will tell you what your special abilities are during the game. Each player begins with…
Understanding the Flow of Decisions in a Game
Meeple Speak article by Nat Levan (designer of New Bedford) on understanding the flow of decisions in games.
Tricks and Treats: Review
Hello hello! For our third week of October, I have chosen a wonderful bluffing/press-your-luck kind of game for the whole family, Tricks and Treats by Nazca Games. The story of this game is all the players have returned home from trick-o-treating, and are told by their parents to dump all the candy out and split it evenly amongst all our baskets. Our parents then attempted to secretly assign us all a specific basket, but we are tricky, and have figured out which basket is ours. However, if any of our opponents figure out which basket is ours and calls us out on it, we will lose the game AND ALL OUR CANDY!! SO! The goal of the game is to A) Survive long enough to make it to the end of the game, and B) Have the most candy in our basket. We begin the game by figuring out how…
Dr. Strangecolor or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Colors
In this edition of of Meeple Speak, Eric Handler talks about “Colorblindness” when it comes to board games.
Adorable Pandaring: Review
Asmadi Games has brought it again with another cute card game, Adorable Pandaring.
Trick or Treat: Review
Happy October, my friends! All month I will be talking about games, toys, decorations, snacks, etc. related to holiday Halloween. To kick off this spooky exciting month, I bring to you a review of the tabletop card game Trick or Treat by Leder Games.