Fairway definitely has a thing for art games. Today, he previews the current Kickstarter, art-themed card game: Pigment.
Tag: Unscored
Stranded!: Review
Back when Fairway was younger and Survivor was “new,” he wondered how long he’d last out in the wild. Well, lucky for him, he can now find out. Today, Fairway takes a look at Stranded!, a survival, card game. See if he can outwit/outlast everyone else.
True Story: Review
In today’s review, Fairway does things a little different: reviews a party game, True Story, and thinks really, really, really hard about what it means for a game to be a game. True Story is an adult party and drinking game that is, at its core, Never Have I Ever with Dixit-style scoring and… drinks. The game launched on Kickstarter, yesterday.
Pages of War: M.O.D.E: Preview
Gather ’round and hear Fairway tell his tale of battling factions of elves and dragons and orcs and men. In this preview, Fairway takes a quick look at Pages of War: M.O.D.E by Sanjae Duncan and J. Kloud Entertainment and coming to Kickstarter. What can possibly go wrong when Fairway is a bard?