When I was young, I was not allowed to watch TV nor read books about magic and magic-related themes. I did it anyway. YES, I was a rebel. Sneaking up at 5:30AM to catch an episode of the magical girl, Sailor Moon, or creeping into the parent’s room while they cooked to catch some Cardcaptors (pun not intended at first, but now I INTEND it). I always had a fascination with magic and crazy worlds that surrounded it. Mind you I am NOT talking about Wicca, but about the fantastical magic. You know, energy beams shooting out of your hands, the ability to shapeshift, flying around on brooms, the whole shebang. I also specifically loved Japanese magical folklore. I read a lot of manga growing up, and just wanted so bad to be magical. Don’t get me wrong, I still do.HOWEVER now that I have fully engulfed myself into the world that…
Tag: Broom Service
Chipshots: Apotheca & Broom Service
In two short reviews, Fairway takes a look at a few potion making games: the Kickstarter-funded game, ApothecA, by Knapsack Games and Renegade Games Edition and Kennerspiel des Jahres winner, Broom Service.