The Board Game Workshop: BFIG Interviews (ep. 22)

In his first podcast as part of The Indie Game Report team, Chris Anderson interviews designers at the Boston Festival of Indie Games.

[podlove-episode-web-player src=”—BFIG-Part-1—October-4–2017.mp3″ type=”mp3″ title=”The Board Game Workshop: Boston Festival of Indie Games” subtitle=”In episode 22, Chris chats with publishers and designers about their games at the 2017 Boston Festival of Indie Games” chapters=”chapters” chaptersVisible=”true” summaryVisible=”true”]

BFIG Interviews (in order of appearance)
2:05 Pitman
3:40 Fall of the Last City
9:30 Super Ultra Mega Con
10:52 Aloft
12:18 On Their Merry Way
14:49 Tesserax Wars
16:48 Someone Has Died
18:27 VISITOR in Blackwood Grove
20:50 Station Nine
24:15 Biome Builder
25:19 Empyrean
29:41 You’ve Been Poisoned
30:55 Vampires & Villagers
32:15 But Not Tonight
37:45 Zero Sum
39:27 Playing Adventures of the Cimmerian Forest
41:58 Gut Instinct
43:19 GO! GO! GATTAI!
Chris Anderson
“Bit Shift” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

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